Horse Sense
Horse Sense is a unique program made possible by the American Legion’s Child Welfare Foundation grant and is provided by The Red Barn and The JAYC Foundation.
Each year, law enforcement officers have thousands of interactions with children who have communicative disorders. These moments can be stressful for both the officer and child. It doesn’t have to be that way. With just a little “horse sense,” officers can learn how to approach a child with special needs or atypical communication skills in a positive way, with positive results for everyone. That’s where the horse comes in. Horses are similar to a child with a communication disorder. They will let you know when they’re scared, when they need space, and when they trust you. Reading body language and adjusting your approach accordingly can make all the difference in your experience. And, that’s what horses can teach us about interacting with children diagnosed with communication disorders like autism, Tourette’s Syndrome, cerebral palsy, ADHD and other challenges known to affect communication. “Horse Sense” is a unique program funded by the American Legion’s Child Welfare Foundation and offered at select barns across the country.